Find answers to your questions about our HAZWOPER training courses, including enrollment questions and technical requirements. If you have a question not listed on this FAQ page, please search further via the Knowledge Base.
Course Related

OSHA does not approve providers or courses and therefore out course is not OSHA approved. OSHA only authorizes or accepts training vendors.
Our 40-hour, 24-hour, and 8-hour refresher courses meet latest OSHA training requirements and provide compliance as required by 29 CFR Part 1910.120.
Our courses are powered by 360training.com – an OSHA Accepted Training Provider.

The Federal OSHA HAZWOPER Standard (29 CFR Part 1910.120) – requires that all employees that are exposed to or handle hazardous materials must take a 24hr or 40hr HAZWOPER Training Course and an 8hr Annual Refresher, at a level required by their job function and responsibility, before they are permitted to engage in hazardous waste operations that could expose them to hazardous substances.

HAZWOPER Training Sequence
- Step 1. Complete either the 24 hour or 40 hour HAZWOPER training course. There are no prerequisites for these courses.
- Step 2. Perform any additional site-specific training certification as directed by employer. Additional HAZWOPER training is performed and certified by the trainer and employer.
- Step 3. HAZWOPER Supervisor Training. This training requires you complete either a 24 hour or 40 hour HAZWOPER course prior to enrolling in a supervisor course.
- Step 4. HAZWOPER 8 hour Annual Refresher course is required to maintain 40 hour, 24 hour, and Supervisor certifications.

Yes, a temporary printable certificate is immediately available upon completion of all courses provided.

Upon successful completion of a course, a temporary printable certificate will be made available. Passing students will receive a DOL card within 4-6 weeks.

Two words: convenience and self-paced.
Many workers are so busy or live in areas where classroom sessions are not practical. In a classroom, everyone marches through the same topics for the same amount of time. Online offers much greater convenience.
The self-paced nature of online allows each student to spend more time on the topics they are not familiar with and move more quickly through those that they are familiar.
And even better, the online course is equivalent to an on-site classroom course.

Courses do not have a time restriction, except for the OSHA Outreach Training Courses.
If you do not complete the survey within three months of your course completion, your card will not be processed. The survey link is located in your end of course instructions, please complete in a timely manner so we can process your card within the 6-8 week day timeframe.

Upon successful completion of this course, a temporary printable certificate will be made available for download.
Please make sure to read the end of course instructions when you complete your course.
Technical Questions

First make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Reader. You can download a free copy at http://get.adobe.com/reader/. Once you download it, follow the installation instructions. You should now be able to open and print certificates using Adobe Reader.

If you have forgotten your password, go to the header and click on the Student Login link. Then click the “Forgot password?” link below the student login. Then enter your email address. You should receive an email to your email address stating your password.
If you have forgotten your username and password, please contact student support at 1-877-881-2235.

- Player is “stuck”?
- Error message on page?
- Page not displaying correctly?
All three of these issues can usually be fixed by clearing your cache or cookies. Here is a site we recommend http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser's-Cache you can also do an internet search for “clearing cache” as there are many online resources to assist you in accomplishing this.

Some of these difficulties are caused by the settings on your computers. The easiest way to solve them is to clear your “cookies”. Follow these steps:
- Go to the ‘Tools’ button on your internet window and drop down to ‘Internet Options’.
- Then go to the middle of the Internet options box and click on ‘Delete Cookies’. It will take a minute for the cookies to delete.
- Once the operation is complete, close the box and log back into the course.
If this does not work please contact customer support at 1-877-881-2235.